cbd for muscle growth

CBD For Muscle Growth

CBD offers numerous benefits for individuals pursuing bodybuilding, accompanied by only a handful of potential drawbacks. Extensive research on athletes has solidified the widespread endorsement of CBD to enhance bodybuilding routines and improve muscle-building results.

CBD oil frequently solves common sports-related issues, including muscle soreness, healing, injury recovery, and adequate rest. Among the available CBD options, Full-Spectrum extracts, featuring their beneficial terpenes, are widely regarded as the most efficacious choice for bodybuilders.

In the following article, we will elucidate how CBD can improve metabolic health and other facets of the bodybuilding journey.

Can CBD Help Muscle Growth?

There is currently no direct evidence supporting the idea that CBD aids in muscle growth. Some studies suggest it might hinder muscle development by inhibiting muscle growth by reducing protein production. However, CBD offers indirect advantages that can enhance the potential for muscle mass increase.

CBD accomplishes this by assisting in crucial aspects of muscle breakdown in the puzzle, including facilitating digestion, promoting faster healing of injuries, and reducing stress levels. These factors contribute to improved muscle development and gradual increases in muscle mass.

Recent research has provided mixed signals regarding the positive impact of CBD on muscles. Nevertheless, it’s important to note that further investigation is needed to validate these initial findings. The research also points out that CBD, after exercise, supports the protein synthesis process and builds muscle. However, its effects on other tissues vary, resulting in a somewhat mixed outcome.

Weight Management With CBD

A connection appears between reduced overweight risk and exposure to CBD and THC. A study revealed that people regularly exposed to CBD and THC had significantly lower overweight rates.

Researchers later suggested that using this CBD-THC combination, or a similar one, could potentially help manage weight and associated complications of obesity.

Consequently, individuals striving to control their body weight through strict diet and exercise may find this approach beneficial. It could assist people in reaching their bodybuilding goals by helping them maintain an optimal weight.

CBD Modulates Hunger

In its interactions with animals, CBD has demonstrated the ability to influence appetite. This has led some researchers to consider the possibility that CBD might effectively reduce food cravings. Notably, CBD and other cannabinoids do not appear to trigger the intense hunger often associated with THC consumption. This characteristic can be seen as a part of the entourage effect, which helps counteract the phenomenon known as the “munchies.”

CBD’s potential to reduce inflammation and curb appetite could have valuable implications for maintaining a healthy weight, particularly among athletes who must adhere to strict dietary regimens to achieve their desired weight.

Additionally, CBD has exhibited favorable impacts on digestion. It works on both the nervous and immune systems simultaneously, contributing to improved digestive function. As a result, researchers are optimistic about the potential therapeutic application of CBD in addressing metabolic issues.

CBD And Muscle Recovery

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Research involving rugby players has unveiled promising findings regarding the use of CBD for faster muscle recovery following intense physical exertion (you can also try these activities for small spaces). This directly relates to bodybuilders who frequently strain various muscle groups to the brink of fatigue.

In this study, approximately 80% to 90% of the athletes demonstrated enhanced muscle recovery when incorporating CBD into their recovery regimen. Most of these individuals opted for CBD as oil or capsules. Importantly, it’s worth noting that CBD is both legal and not subject to scrutiny in performance-enhancing drug tests.

Does CBD Help Heal Injuries?

In CBD and its potential healing properties, extensive research abounds. Numerous studies have delved into CBD’s efficacy in treating tendon injuries, oral wounds, skin wounds, bone fractures, chronic inflammation, and common sports injuries.

Encouraging findings have predominated in most of these investigations, hinting at CBD’s promising role in healing. These studies highlight CBD’s favorable impact on the healing processes of various bodily components. In certain instances, CBD application directly to the injury site has been employed to scrutinize its mechanisms.

Furthermore, anecdotal accounts from athletes bolster the notion that CBD may contribute to the recovery from sports-related injuries.

Can CBD Reduce Swelling?

Numerous studies on CBD have examined its impact on the human body, inflammation, and discomfort, whether directly or indirectly. Athletes, in particular, have reported positive effects on their swelling and soreness after using CBD.

Furthermore, other research has indicated that CBD holds promise in addressing different types of injuries and reducing inflammation. Consequently, substantial evidence supports the idea that CBD can effectively alleviate swelling and acute inflammation.

CBD For Enhancing General Recovery

Recovery involves more than just healing from occasional injuries; allowing the body to recuperate after intense workouts is essential. Rest plays a pivotal role in the muscle-building process, facilitating this recovery, especially in the context of bodybuilding.

Maintaining a sense of calm and concentration is crucial to effectively managing your stress hormone levels. Numerous studies have explored the potential of CBD, a cannabinoid, in promoting these desirable effects.

Sleep Enhancement Through CBD

CBD has the potential to lower anxiety and alleviate physical discomfort, leading to improved sleep for individuals. Additionally, when consumed in the morning, it can act as a wakefulness enhancer, boosting daytime alertness. This heightened alertness can increase overall productivity throughout the day.

Consequently, the brain sends clearer signals to the body, indicating the need for rest. As a result, numerous athletes are turning to CBD oil to help regulate their circadian rhythms.

CBD For Calming And Relaxation

A recent study discovered that CBD can provide comfort to individuals experiencing frequent anxiety and contribute to a feeling of tranquility. The study closely monitored participants over one month, and the data revealed a notable decrease in these anxious feelings by the end of the study.

The research team suggests using CBD to alleviate anxiety and promote relaxation, as it has also demonstrated effectiveness in enhancing sleep quality. When in a state of deep relaxation, the body and immune system’s production of stress hormones decreases, facilitating a quicker recovery after strenuous workouts.

Possible Counter Effects Of CBD On Bodybuilding

man working out building muscles

Evidence indicates that CBD may have varying effects on testosterone levels in the body, potentially increasing or decreasing its production. Testosterone plays a crucial role in muscle development, so that CBD could support or hinder this process.

Additionally, some researchers have discovered that cannabinoids may reduce protein production, which could be detrimental to individuals engaged in bodybuilding. However, it’s important to note that the specific impact of CBD largely depends on the dosage used.

Furthermore, certain studies have not found a significant connection between CBD and sleep, even though many users, including athletes involved in a separate study, have reported improved sleep quality.

Best Ways To Use CBD For Bodybuilding

On a federal level, CBD enjoys legal status, and numerous brands offer a wide array of products containing natural CBD hemp flowers and CBD-based salves and pain rubs. Each of these products has its own set of advantages and disadvantages.


Edible CBD products are versatile, ranging from simple options like gummies to more elaborate choices like chocolate bars, teas, coffees, and honey infused with CBD. They are known for their delayed onset, meaning it takes some time for the effects to kick in, but once they do, they tend to last for an extended period.


CBD oils and tinctures are the most compact and user-friendly options for CBD consumption. They are available in various concentrations and often come in multiple flavors to suit different preferences. These products typically come with a dropper attached to the bottle, facilitating precise dosing and easy administration by placing drops under the tongue.

Capsules/Soft Gels

CBD in capsule or soft gel form provides a convenient way to integrate CBD into one’s supplement or medication routine.


Aromatic vaporization of high-quality hemp flowers is favored by some users seeking a unique CBD experience. It’s worth noting that smoking, including hemp, is not considered optimal for one’s health, particularly for athletes. Those interested in concentrated forms of vaporized CBD, or vaping in general, can explore CBD e-liquids or dabs.


Topical CBD products, such as creams, are particularly beneficial for athletes as they can be applied directly to specific body areas. This targeted application is effective because CBD interacts with cannabinoid receptors located in the skin.


Although no specific research studies directly link CBD to muscle growth and other aspects related to bodybuilding, CBD offers more than just a muscle-building enhancement. CBD has a range of uses in the realm of sports, including bodybuilding.

Numerous studies have yielded promising findings when utilizing CBD to support various beneficial outcomes associated with recovery, weight control, muscle relaxation, digestion, sleep, and healing. These effects can significantly assist in bodybuilding by aiding the body in managing demanding workout routines, building muscle, and promoting improved recovery.

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